Friday, July 9, 2010

Is It Normal To Masterbate With My Sister

17-18 and 24-25 July 2010



A massage and self-massage to win the cellulite

held by LUO SANG OF

Manual lymphatic drainage is a very particular method that was developed by Dr. Emil Vodder , Danish biologist and physiotherapist, in the course of experiments and tests from 1932 to 1936.

Most women suffer from cellulite, which is manifested through the bearings and stretch marks that occur on the skin surface. These changes are the result of a malfunction of the metabolism that creates a swelling. Cellulite is a kind of physical deterioration that develops over the years by doctors is defined as lipoedema which usually localizes on the legs and buttocks.

This accumulation of fat compresses the lymphatic vessels, which, therefore, are no longer able to carry the sap and even the capillaries become more fragile.

very useful and is recommended use the technique of manual lymphatic drainage. The latter plays a key role in the treatment of cellulite: in practice, move the liquid, which is usually found in the skin or between this and the muscles, the area where it has accumulated to an 'exit' through the lymphatic vessels.

The objective of drainage is to aid removal of interstitial fluid and lymph, but also to relax the muscle fibers.

intensive program and semindividuale:

Anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system: - The heart and major arteries and veins - large and small circulation - Blood,

Anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system: - What is the sap, where it originates and its canals - Main lymphatic vessels - What are the lymph nodes and what they are - Overview of the pathophysiology of the lymphatic;

Specifications: - Movement drainage, suction and draining spiral;

Treatment of the following parts of body: face, upper and lower limbs, thorax, abdomen, buttocks and spine - cellulite treatments and other diseases - indications and contraindications.

The course is structured in four days, 17/18 and 24/25 July, Saturday and Sunday 14.00/19.00 09.30 / 14.00.

At the end of the course will be issued the relevant certificate.


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