Monday, May 31, 2010

Bottomless Party Harold

Saturday, June 12, 2010 - 18.00 / 21.00



introduction to the dance of the orishas

led by Marcia Regina Sa ntana and Patrizia Giancotti

First encounter with the Marcia Santana Bahia dancer and anthropologist / photographer Patrizia Giancotti. From the images that will bring the participants into the world of Candomblé, the religion of the African matrix dear to the writer Jorge Amado, will go direct experience of the dance of the orishas. Mythological figures, gods related to the forces of nature, the orishas are first universal archetypes rooted arcane past of man. A journey of the mind and body to discover a world full of myths, formidable instruments of contemporary knowledge.

Finale with tasting of traditional Bahian food rituals.

E 'reservations are required.
Archeus annual membership card.

Marcia Regina Santana, was formed at the University of the Dance of the State of Bahia, where she specialized in ballet, modern and Afro-Contemporary. Interpreter and assistant choreographer for such groups as the Companhia de Dança do Olodum, has presented his work in Brazil and international tours. Puts the serrvizio dell'insegnamneto his technique and his personal experience in the dance of religious tradition. Email:

Patrizia Giancotti, anthropologist of the Afro-Brazilian religions, studying and photographing Brazil for over twenty years. Fotoreportar journalist and has worked for major Italian magazines, organizes courses and seminars, television and radio programs, published a report and set up a hundred fifty exhibitions on Brazil. E 'was honored with the award of the Order of Brazilian Cruzeiro do Sul. email:


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