Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vigamox And Dilated Eyes


The MA in counseling as emergency operators can offer help and support in very critical situations in terms emotional events related to collective disaster (Eg natural disasters or catastrophes such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, shipwrecks, floods, social unrest, public health emergencies, etc.).. The operator intervention means above all for the same fellow rescuers (staff belonging to the armed forces and order, volunteers, emergency medical personnel, etc.).. They are, in fact, often suffer from low support in carrying out its functions, whereas the maintenance of a strong inner balance is mainly based on the best outcome of a rescue operation (even after a long time).

In emergency situations, are at the forefront key issues such as survival and death, meaning of life and of its social role, a spirit of cooperation or conflict, compassion or emotional distance, etc.. In addition, everyone involved expressed an altered state of consciousness, which alters the normal modes and benchmarks. During training, it is necessary that the operator can get in touch so deep and true with these issues and their doubts and fears. While exploring their methods and natural resistance, is helped to find in themselves the essential resources to manage stress and intervene effectively has learned.

The teaching approach of the course allows, in addition to learning theory, also a fundamental practical-experiential path, enabling management to make concrete experience of positive self and others, a situation of deep emotional crisis.


The dynamic model

The dynamic model, paternity Freud, is characterized as useful and handy reference model for the multiple theoretical references that over 900 have been integrated into its paradigm and enabling observe individual behavior, interpersonal and team in an integrated perspective that highlights the complexity.

Attention is focused on research of the dynamics of the human mind, in reference to the motivational drives internal move and direct our daily lives, motives of which we are not always sufficiently aware. From research and awareness motivational, preparatory to the development of personal resources, comprises the training of operators, whose action takes place during natural disasters subjecting victims and rescuers to experience the limits of reality never before experienced.

The theoretical and experiential work, as well as provide the operator with the means needed to meet the relief work will have to consider starting up all the resources necessary to protect the operator that his mental and physical health. The experiential part, parallel to the theoretical training, will have its focus in the acquisition of an ever-increasing ability to identify, describe, classify their motivation to action, to make more clear the organization of the subjective context within which the choice has emerged the training course. For this reason, the work will be highly customized.


body body work suggests that the course makes it possible to recognize and harmonious development of the potential of each person, integrating the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This integration can be tested through exercises based on listening, expression and body movement, seen as the main instrument that allows states to hear and recognize the body's energy, moods, emotions, the psychological mechanisms and their posture and others.

Among other things, as part of an emergency, the work of self-knowledge and the different levels of awareness, and body based on the approach that draws on the experience, is intimately connected with the activity prevention, as determined by the contrast of the risk of emergencies caused by various disasters or major accidents, as necessary for the implementation of effective and efficient action by rescue workers and volunteers engaged in the activities of civil protection.

Ultimately, the proposed course aims to put the rescuers in terms of not having to rely exclusively on the use of personal emotional resources. The conduct psychic hangover symptoms in conjunction with "burn-out", have often been found in subjects that rescuers were working without a proper psychological preparation, is not always appropriate to the emergency response scenarios.

transpersonal model and method Biotransenergetics

The transpersonal vision and methodology Biotransenergetics are able to provide the theoretical and practical tools for advancing beyond the boundaries of ordinary consciousness. The transpersonal vision, supported by the new holistic paradigm emerging in the scientific landscape, calls for the full potential of the individual and combines the contribution of evolutionary ancient traditions with the most innovative scientific research.

Under the transpersonal model, the reference methodology is Biotransenergetics, a discipline that teaches the mastery of mental attitudes and emotional states through the inner experience of the different states of consciousness. It also favors strengthening the creative, emotional, relational and intuitive operator, for the benefit creativity and openness in the intervention field.

will in particular be encouraged to develop an attitude that encourages a 'natural natural' in response to the stimulus, through additional polarity of transcendence and inclusion of every event. This attitude is called 'Another Way' and is expressed in seven basic axioms: Look, instead of thinking, Stay, instead of going away, you feel instead of see why; facts, not problems; Rely instead of checking, accepting, instead to fight; liability, instead of delegating.
Brief description of teaching modules and bibliography:

The counseling relationship is a privileged form of aid, but differs clearly from other similar means. Some areas such as active listening ol'empatia are present in any of the key points of this report, in this context, we will analyze this particular form of aid and the way in which they will help in this special report.

R. CARKUFF - The Art of help - Ed Centro Studi Erikson - 1987
COUNT, Picone - The therapy of Carl Rogers - Ed Armando Editore - 1984
R. Mucchielli - Learn counseling - Ed Centro Studi Erikson - 2006

COUNSELING GROUP: identity and the establishment of organizations and groups
How to schedule a group. Terms of goodwill to the group. Introduction to the dynamics of group processes. Inclusion, control, emotional demands of the group. Encounter groups. The dynamics regressive groups. The group theoretical models in comparison.

ME BROTHER - objective person - Ed Melusina - 1996
J. BENSON - Groups - Ed Sovera Multimedia - 1993
C. ROGERS - A way of being - Ed Couplings - Marzocco - 1984

conflicts, frustrations, defense mechanisms, motivations, emotions, perceptions. Theory of personality. Concept of diagnosis and prevention. Basic knowledge of DSM IV. General information about the tests and their use.

C. S AND G. HALL Lindzey - Theory of Personality - Ed Bollati Boringhieri - 1986
M. Falabella - The ABCs of psychopathology - Ed Magi - 2001
DJ Goleman - Emotional Intelligence - published by Rizzoli - 1996

ELEMENTS Biotransenergetics
The Biotransenergetics proposes a methodology based on experience and exploration of the inner dimensions of consciousness, with the aim of achieving the knowledge that is revealed over the thought processes of the ordinary mind, a holistic model of therapy and transpersonal oriented to the realization of self, able to intervene effectively in the healing process. Introduction to theoretical and practical foundations.

PL LATTUADA - The art of medical healer within - published by Franco Angeli - 2007

structure of interpersonal and intercultural communication. Axioms of communication. Non-verbal communication. Communication styles. Effective communication: self-esteem, anxiety reduction, improvement of interpersonal relationships. Experiential work on the way they communicate.

Franta, shows - Interpersonal Communications - Las Ed - 1979
M. ARGYLE - The Body and its language - Ed Zanichelli - 1992

structuring aspects of the setting. Listening to share in the counselor: empathy, warmth, genuineness. The interview as a tool to help: interview or informational interview. The diagnostic interview. Phases of the interview. Facilitation techniques of the interview. Experiential work on their own to listen. Simulate the dynamics of communication within the setting.

S. MURGATROY - Counseling in the report help - Ed Astrolabe - 1985
D. BONE - The Art of Listening - Ed Franco Angeli - 1995

What and how you should communicate in an emergency situation? Crisis Management studies agree that the development of an emergency in a disaster or a crisis overcome, depending heavily on the manner in which the persons concerned the deal. In this way the crisis is connected to the needs that generated the event as it unfolds. Among the first the need for information, the greater the more the event is far from the context of the experience of those subjected to it.

R. SAVARESE - Communication and Crisis - Franco Angeli Ed - 2002

Introduction. Determination of the physical conditions of the victim. First Aid: sustaining vital functions, recognition and intervention thresholds. Main techniques of first aid in case of severe acute respiratory syndrome, dislocations, fractures, and complications, injury from cold, heat and electricity, intoxication, contused lacerated, external bleeding, and so on. Introduction to RCPC. Complete discussion of the BLS sequence one and two rescuers. BLS sequence learning to a rescuer on a dummy simulator. Theory and training use of the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and additional means.

Bibliography: P.
Jevon - Emergency and First Aid Treatment - Ed DOLPHIN 2009

VOLUNTARY In the emerging
The phenomenon of volunteering in Italy and abroad: numbers, characteristics and activities. The volunteers of Civil Defence. National and local organizations. The role of volunteering. Specializations. Activation and coordination in an emergency. Needs and educational opportunities.

Bibliography: Lecture intention

Introduction to the history, organizational and functional characteristics. Operational structures of the National Service of Civil Protection. The Operating Committee at the Department of Civil Protection. Activation, coordination and support functions. The Administrative Office of Volunteers.

Bibliography: Lecture intention

stress management, self-empowerment, RESILIENCE AND COPING
In situations of high stress is essential to the ability of management difficulties, either through specific techniques and by developing (self-empowerment) of the qualities needed. The ability to protect its integrity under the action of intense pressure is called the 'resilience', that inner strength that enables people to react to the blows of life, to recover and rebuild. Individual resilience and community resilience. Strategies for 'coping' (adaptive mental processes to reduce stress).

G. Rawson and D. Callinan - The 10 rules for winning stress - Ed Armenia - 2007
J. GUTMANN - Beating stress - Editori Riuniti - 2000
B. ZANI, C. CICOGNANI - The ways of being: life events and coping strategies - Carocci Editore - 1999 E.
MALAGUTI - Educate yourself on resilience - Ed Erikson - 2005

stress inoculation TRAINING
Stress Inoculation Training is not a single technique, but rather a set of intervention techniques aimed at preparing them for better management of situations of distress. Built in the '70s as part of cognitive-behavioral model, the work of Donald Meichenbaum, is a well-known initial reference point in training for emergencies.

B. YOUNG (et al.) - The Psychological Assistance in Emergencies - Ed Erickson - 2002

DEFUSING AND DEMOBILIZATION (English defuse, disarm) is a short group discussion, but usually not always conducted by a psychologist, which takes place after a particularly critical or challenging conducted by members of rescue services, rescue or care. Demobilization is the Defusing the particular form of post-intervention, more informal and capable of representing a 'symbolic break' with the traumatic situation just experienced.

F. Sbattella - Manual of Emergency Psychology - ed. Franco Angeli - 2009

TECHNIQUES Emergency Psychology: CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management), debriefing, EMDR
Introduction to the fundamentals of these techniques and comparison with the intervention of the emergency counseling. The CISM, or Critical Incident Stress Management, is a popular protocol for clinical prevention and treatment of potentially traumatic psychological reactions in the face of critical events (disasters, violence, unexpected deaths, disaster). The Debriefing is a structured clinical and psychological intervention-group, led by an expert psychologist. Finally, EMDR is a therapeutic approaches that boasts the highest number of confirmations of the efficacy of psychotherapy PTSD (Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress).

B. YOUNG (et al.) - The Psychological Assistance in Emergencies - Ed Erickson - 2002
L. Pietrantonio, G. MEADOWS - Emergency Psychology - Ed Il Mulino - 2009

Teachers and lecturers Teachers are psychologists, psychotherapists, physicians and counselors engaged in an ongoing and continuous contact with users. For schools this is an essential factor in ensuring a thorough education and ongoing support for the student in his formative years.

Scientific Director: DAVIDE CARLO FERRARIS
Psychologist, Psychotherapist oriented analytical and transpersonal Director of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Medicine - home to Rome. Professor and supervisor of transpersonal psychotherapy (SFPT - recognized MIUR). EMDR specialist.

Teaching Director: PAOLA Caporalino AIELLO
Psychologist, specializing in technical integration of psychosomatic, counselor, and systemic approach to training in systemic family constellations.

the Teachers

Psychologist, psychodynamic psychotherapy and cognitive-social.

degree in clinical psychology, specializing in forensic psychology, humanities, psychodrama, art therapy.

Doctor in Psychology, naturopath, counselor psychosomatic, flower-therapist. Training in Family Constellations.

Psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, systemic-relational

Psychologist psychotherapist.

medical, surgical, aesthetic medicine specialist and director of the International School of Aesthetic Medicine in Rome.

Psychologist specializing in psicosessuologia.

Alessandro Vannucci
Doctor, Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist.

STEFANO Stragapede
Nurse, BLSD instructor, first aid, emergency water, coordinator Aesculap Ltd.


For admission to the course is required of high school diploma. The course has a limited number of applications and acceptance criteria are: qualifications, curriculum vitae of the candidate, the initial cognitive interview. The candidate must send or deliver directly within the application form filled out, along with their curriculum vitae and studiorum, two passport photos and a photocopy of identity document. Then the candidates will support an interview input.

The different materials are organized into coherent modules to complete which each participant will get the credits.


The total number of hours of the course is 200 hours.
The academic year runs from January to December. The timetable provides for monthly meetings to be held on weekends (Saturday and Sunday, from 9.30 to 18.00) and short distances every two weeks, in the evening (group meetings).
The attendance is mandatory. It requires a minimum attendance of 90% of the total hours. The remaining 10% can be retrieved later.


At the end of the year, the students will undergo a theoretical and experiential verification, to evaluate the various disciplines of learning and maturation achieved. Will receive a certificate indicating completion of the course credits earned for each training module completed. The total number of hours is recognized by FAIP


For each subject is indicated with a bibliography of reference, the texts of which are borne by the student. Additional educational materials will be provided by the school.


The Admissions are limited to a maximum of 20 participants in training.
The requirements and procedures required for admission are:

1. hold baccalaureate legally recognized in Italy;
2. present together with the Curriculum Vitae, Application Form;
3. Input an interview, which aims to assess the experiential path of the Applicant and its objectives.


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